niedziela, 31 maja 2015


We've done a questionnaire which was opened 2 weeks. The results are positive, most of the answers were correct. Fifteen people got involved in this part of our project. Screenshots below show answers, the ticked ones are correct. We think that most of people didn't have problem with questions.

sobota, 11 kwietnia 2015


Hi there, now we have most of our album, I must finish my part and Agata will write it. I just want to say it's an amazing project and we have so much fun doing it. My next post will probably be about our questionnaire.

Works on album

We met on Sunday and were making our album. It's about famous people in USA, UK and Australia.
We attached white sheet on these colorful and made lines. Now Agata is working on the text in album.

poniedziałek, 30 marca 2015

What next?

The album we're working on at the moment has gone pretty far. We've made it, but now we have to complete it. We created page for each person. We're still searching information about the people, the most important and the funny ones. We've met a couple of times and were working on the album, but we haven't done it yet, but we're planning to end it soon and we think the whole project will be done untill the end of the month.

The begining

The first thing we've done is an questionnaire about the people we chose like Red Hot Chilli Peppers or Barack Obama which was coordinated by our English teacher. We chose 18 people and posted a question about each person what gives us 18 questions. We sent link to people and asked them to answer the questions. By now, about 14 people did as they were told. The results will be able to see on our blog soon.


Me and my friend decided to do our school project in 1st grade of secondary school. We're doing an English project because we like English and it'll be helpful to go to high school. Our project is about celebrities in English-speaking countries like USA, UK and Australia. Find more about it in next posts!
Enjoy 😉